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Data sheet:
Hexagonal(National) Barnum (small capital(big top) fast assembly(editing))
Floor surface of 23 m ², height 3,50 meters,
Plan a location of 35 m ² and surface in front of the capital(big top) for the line (10m ²),
Ideal place: park or garden in the shade of trees;
Electricity 220 volts, 2 grips 16A
6 ballastings of 40 kg if the ground is hard,
12 barriers if the capital(big top) remains gone(taken) up at night,
Parking lot for Renault Master's degree, 2,40 m of top, 5,5 m of length
Imperative the truck must be able to be near the place of installation.
Time(Weather) of assembly(editing) 2:30 am, dismantling 1:30 am,
Capacity of 45 people show(entertainment) of 15 minutes,
Session of 20 minutes 10 minutes between every session the time(weather) to reinstall the decoration(set) and the puppets,
5 MAXI representations distributed on the day
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